Leather safety boots have many benefits, like durability, breathability and a comfortable fit. However, just like any other type of shoe, they have to be cared for correctly if you want them to last long. You can extend the life span of a good pair of leather safety boots considerably, by keeping them clean and polished. The longevity of the safety boots will also be influenced by your working environment.
Leather safety footwear look absolutely great and can seem like a good fit for every occasion, but wearing them in wet conditions can break the leather down prematurely and damage it. Because leather is a porous material, it soaks up the water and cracks after drying.
Here are a few tips on how to properly care for and protect your leather safety footwear in general and when working in wet conditions:
- Even the smallest tear can cause issues. It is recommended to check your boots for any tears regularly - it might be time to purchase a new pair if your boots are torn or cracked.
- Before wearing your safety footwear for the first time, spray a protective product like waterproofing spray over it.
- Clean your shoes on a regular basis – remove excess mud, dirt and contaminants by brushing and wiping with a damp cloth.
- Have the right brush for your leather, for example: Aneline and Pull up leather = Soft bristle Suede & Nubuck = Perlon brush.
- Never use direct heat to force dry to footwear. Applying direct heat causes the leather to crack. Always let your footwear dry at room temperature.
- Polish and treat leather shoes with leather preservative. Ask you retailer which product they recommend for leather footwear. Or, check the label on your leather preservative to ensure that you are using the correct product or oil on the correct leather type.
- If you would like to go one step further, use a shoe tree to retain the shoes shape for as long as possible.
- If you are working in excessively wet conditions (e.g. pouring rain), rather wear gumboots. Leather safety boots are not recommended for rainy conditions.
The best answer on how to protect leather footwear is to avoid water at all costs, but this is not always possible. Polish and treat your shoes on a regular basis if you want them looking great all the time. Remember to choose the right protectant for your footwear. There is no universal answer to how long safety shoes last, but polishing them will protect them against water and extend their working life considerably.
Ref: bussinessinsider.com | gentlemansjournal.com | safetyshoestoday.com | Safetyshoezone.com | Rebel.com | Cat.com | eeze.sg